Sunday, December 4, 2011

The corporate office sent out a memo stating that due to productivity increases, all salaried employees would?

The corporate office sent out a memo stating that due to productivity increases, all salaried employees would receive 30% more annual leave in the next fiscal year. If an employee currently receives 9 days of leave, how much total leave will they receive after the increase?|||Really basic math..not listening in class the day they taught first level math I guess.|||Please do your own homework. The questions you are asking us are BASIC MATHEMATICS. You could do them yourself in far less time than it's taking you to type them all in.

You want to know 30 percent of 9. That's just MULTIPLICATION. Nine times 0.3.|||9 days x 130% = 11.7 days = 11 days and 5.6 hours

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