Sunday, December 4, 2011

How audaciously crass would Obama go in lying to Americans just to win - as the Canadian memo exposed?

The AP obtained a memo from a Canadian diplomat saying an Obama adviser had told Canada's government the candidate's criticism of NAFTA was "more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans."

Of course, his camp will deny this and say it's mischaracterized. Do you think Canadians don't understand English? So shameful.|||He's lied about so much else, why not about NAFTA?|||So who's he lying to the Canadians or us?... either way, not too cool...|||This and his refusal to pull all the troops out of Iraq should sink him. BO does not tell the truth and these two points are proof.|||it is a tuff memo but maybe the lie was to the canadians. or maybe he meant that obama is serious but will primarily be looking to Mexico for change.|||boring u got tired of the hussein osama smear whats next he is from outer space

Obama 08

1. Has a health care plan subsidize congressional health care for those who want need it

2. Alter the tax code close loopholes for outsourcing billionaires not tax Seniors on SS under 50k $2500 tax cut for middle class workers

3. Provide education funding to students in exchange for community service

4. Stop this insane war and negotiate with other countries to avoid new ones

5. Invest in green technologies creating jobs and doing something about 100+ barrel/ 3+ gallon prices that are killing us

6. In short reverse the failure of the last 7+ yrs which McCain is apparently OK with for another 100 yrs

7. Clinton has similar ideas but her bush like tantrums and dirty politics is not presidential and suggests she may not be fit for that 3am phone call|||Barrack Hussein Obama, The terrorist manual says lie to get ahead. Its all in his name you cant trust him and for you libs you declare i have no cred for my name which should transfer to your messiah... oh wait **** hes a devout christian i guess he cant be that....|||I think Obama is 100x times better and more honest of a candidate than Hillary is.

I dont see anything illegal or improper about his memo whatsoever. At least he wasnt caught with a cigar in his assistant.|||Maybe that Obama "adviser" was an undercover Hillary or McCain operative. Obama is like all politicians, only better at communicating. I'll prove it! Watch this music video.鈥?/a>|||the same could be said about mccain or hillary, how old are you? are you that naive, politicians say what they think the people want to hear to get elected. Think back of all the promises that have been made over past years by the candidates and how many of those they kept.|||First, source please.

Second, do you think any candidate in the entire history of American politics - of ANY country's politics - has been honest or not tried to position themselves politically? If that's a direct quote from the memo, it could be construed many different ways. Anyone who is running for president has done a lifetime of political positioning - it's the name of the game. The people have the power to change it, but no one will change the system because we're all such sheep that don't want to rock the boat. Until we do, all you get are the same breed of politician over and over again.

Lexi - please try to learn something. There is no evidence that he is a Muslim, only slander:鈥?/a>|||I don't care.

I would vote for a trained chimp over voting for Hillary (which is remarkably close to who is already in office)

I have heard the most atrocious rumors passed around by the Clinton campaign and other idiots that would make me more likely to abstain from voting than cast for that whiny and deceptive person. I am even a female (and formerly)diehard Democrat.

ALL POLITICIANS LIE! Get used to it. If they were honest and really about 'helping the people' they would have a different career choice.|||Apparently he will go as far as any other politician, which, after all, is exactly what he is.|||Political positioning, not a clear articulation of policy plans! Well isn't that something. So Obama wanted to reassure the Canadian Government that they really didn't have to worry about Obama doing something about Nafta should he become President, that in actuality - he was basically LYING, and SAYING what he knows the PEOPLE want to here so that they will vote for him.

I'm sure that will go over really well in Ohio - A state that has been hard hit with loss of jobs due to Nafta. Let me guess, Obama next political lie will be to tell the folks of Ohio not to worry, that he will send them all a years salary on the American Tax Payer!!

Whoo Hoo! Go Obama!

I can't wait for the real truth to come out about ALL OF THEM.

We have a REAL candidate for Change - Ron Paul who has an impeccable voting record with over ten terms in Congress. A real candidate who has been voted the Tax Payers best friend many times over.

A candidate who wants to give the younger generation the ability to OPT OUT of the Social Security and Medicare programs since by the time THEY retire, the whole system will be bankrupt anyway! How would you like the opportunity to not only OPT out of Social Security but also a candidate who will abolish the Federal Income Tax - Think of how much of your own money you will be able to keep at the end of the week. Much better than an occasional check from the Government I'd say.

If you want real CHANGE? Vote for Ron Paul, because even McCain has admitted too in an interview that he said things he had to say because of his own political aspirations!

A couple of months ago he was singing bomb bomb bomb Iraq and bragging to the AMerican people that we would be in Iraq for 100 years - Now of course he is changing his tune.

They are all a bunch of liars who will lie and say whatever they have to say in order to get your vote. Your vote is precious and it should go to someone who will actually do what he promised to do, not say one thing to your face and then say heshe had to say it for political positioning.

Man, they lie like that and dont even flinch!

This got me really angry today.

ETA - I just read over all the answers and it amazes me that now the Obama Supporters will still defend him and say that all Politicians lie, and at least he doesn't lie as much as the others... Or we should expect it because he is a Politician. I'm sorry but I'm sure that there are quite a few potential candidates out there with integrity - They just aren't CFR approved.|||Don't you know a smear tactic when you hear it?

Isn't it amazing that this so-called NAFTA memo comes out right before another primary/caucus.

And isn't it amazing that Hillary uses this memo to call Obama a liar about NAFTA?

The Canadians have already apologized for causing a misunderstanding.

So, please, get all the facts straight.|||Ah-hahaha, we wrecked your election!

You bet its shameful. Just be glad we're there to dig out the truth for you.

I wonder who leaked the memo... I think it was the Right and Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper trying to make the Republicans win...

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