Sunday, December 4, 2011

Memo to President Obama on your suggestions as how to deal with the economic crisis?

Hello everyone,

I want everyone of you to open his heart and write a Memo to President Obama on your suggestions as how to deal with the economic crisis.

I'm really serious about it and you have to be serious too. Write even 3 pages about it and don't worry :-)

Thank you for giving me the chance to read what's in your heart.|||To President Obama, and the Others who answered or is reading this question:

It is not the "free and capitalistic" American economy that needs fixing. There is no American economy anymore, as there are no countries anymore.

There is one world, and one world economy.

We should understand the real meaning of globalization, how deeply we are all interconnected.

The only way out of the crisis is a united, global approach to it placing the benefit of the whole world in front of individual interests.

As painful as it might sound to some, or many people, this is our only way out.

I hope it helps, all the best.|||To Pres Obama,

Put down the pen and step away from the desk.


The American Taxpayer.|||To Pres. Obama:

We are a proud, successful, enviable capalist nation. We don't need you or your cronies to "fix" our country. It's not broken.|||Dear President Obama: Do your job defending our country and let free enterprise do it's thing. We know better than you how to run our business. So, you do your job and we'll do ours. Sincerely, a hardworking taxpaying capitalist.|||Dear Pres. Obama,

Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts...Put your pen down and read the bills.

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