Thursday, December 8, 2011

What does this mean in the Memo part of a check?

My husband and I own an apartment building. Our one tenant always pays the day before the first. Today we received his rent check. When we get the checks I always look over them to make sure everything is filled in. I noticed in the memo spot he wrote RTFFBL. I was just curious if anyone knows what it means? (I understand it could be his own note.) As I said it just made me curious.|||rtffbl, €TÏffO, rf- TÏKO., T¿TtfffUíl, ¿riffd-^V [R. Ti], pay), рац back, pay what is due, vii. 6. 16; mid., exact payment, punish, ...

This is Iranian.The first four books of Xenophon's Anabasis: with notes adapted to ... - Google Books Result by Xenophon, William W|||It must be his own note, because that's nothing I can actually make out unless you've read it wrong. Rent for April (RTFAPL) was the best I could do.

Usually people use the memo space to secure some kind of right or privilege, but if it can't be easily determined what it meant, then it has no validity.|||hmm....I don't know what it means.







??|||Call him and ask. I've been in accounting for many years, and I've never seen that notation.|||Ask him. It's not a standard notation I've ever seen.

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