Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where to find a black memo board with white ribbon?

I am looking for an all black memo board that has white ribbon or string that is made to hold photos. I would like it to be large! And shaped like a rectangle! I have looked everywhere, please help me!|||make it. i would buy white ribbon, black fabric, thin padding, beads/sequins, and cork board (the size and shape you want) then you just cut the padding to fit the corkboard. wrap the black fabric around it. staple it in place on the back. then use the ribbon to go in a diaggonal way. staple every 5ish inches. repeat going n the opposite direction. cover where you staples with beads or sequins. hope i helped. you can also look it up on youtube for a video.|||You could always buy a memo board that's black from maybe an office store. Then, you can buy a ribbon from a craft store and hot glue it on. Never seen a black memo board with a ribbon. But if you do it yourself it may suffice.|||鈥?/a>

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