Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can my former employer put out a memo telling ex-coworkers that i quit for health reasons?

I was fired..For supposedly not following protocol on the handling of a violent situation. My boss put out a memo stating that I quit because of ongoing health issues. None of my coworkers knew that I had a health issue. Nevertheless, it wasnt why I was fired. Isnt that a HIPAA violation?|||No, it isn't a HIPAA violation. However, you do have a case against your employer if you can get ahold of that memo.... Go see an attorney, you have several choices available for how you want to handle this one.|||does it really matter just move on and find a new job|||no,not a violation. they did you a favor by exercising discretion. everyone knows you were fired anyway.|||Would you rather they put out a memo that you were fired?

Sounds to me like they tried to quiet rumors and let you have some dignity.|||Technically, they are not supposed to tell them anything other than that you are not working there anymore. It could also be considered libel. If you had actually had a health problem it would have been illegal to send out a memo even mentioning it. You have a right to privacy. In this case it is also illegal because your they have tarnished your name in writing (libel).|||It is illegal and stupid. Sounds like he may have fired you because of your health concerns. You could sue.|||Illegal. First off its a violation of privacy and yes is it a HIPAA violation only if you did have a medical condition and told someone such as employee health and they then told your boss if you just told your boss in and he/she told someone it doesn't fall under HIPAA because the issue never involved a medical entity. Weather or not you had a medical issue it is no ones business why you quit or got fired. Its slander, libel, defimation of character ect. If you want contact a lawyer.|||Does it really matter what reason was given for your living the company? As long as you get your unemployment, and they don't bad mouth you while looking for another job, all is well. We all have to learn in our lives that things aren't always going to go right in jobs, and at those times there is nothinig you can do to change a situation.Let go,don't dwell on it, all it will do is give you an upset stomach,take it from me. I was fired because I was in a car crash, and Itried to notify my office,but didn't get in touch with my boss directly, so he too it as an excuse to fire me. As I hated my job, I let it go, and my stomach aches went away.

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