Sunday, December 4, 2011

How do I get my Access database to append data from one field to a memo field?

This is so I can use it as a CRM package. The database holds info on potential projects, I want a field for latest contact info, and I want that data to get added to the ongoing notes memo field when I press return.

Is there a simple way of doing it?|||It's not the best way of keeping a history as you would be better served by keeping each item as a separate item in a 'History' table, it would be easier to report on, remove older redundant text items and is generally cleaner all round (flick me an email if you want a bit more help).

If you still want to append the data from one field to another here is the syntax

UPDATE tblCustomerDetail SET [FullHistoryText] = [FullHistoryText]+" "+[LatestHistoryText];

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