Sunday, December 4, 2011

What's a polite way to close a memo but give this message?

I really want to say, "If you have any questions regarding this memo, please call anybody else but me," but of course I can't say that. What's a subtle way to get that message across.|||If you have any questions regarding this memo....Keep them to yourself, cuz I just don't care!

Sincerely, Mozzie|||"Please feel free to forward any questions you may have to one of my associates"|||Is there someone else you could pawn off the questions on? A fellow employee who happens to be working on the same thing?

Or just "accidentally" leave off the contact line at the end?|||List the specific people appropriate to question.

"If you have any questions, please contact Bob Smith (, Jane Doe (, or Sam Young ("

Make sure you won't be stepping on their toes if you do so (i.e., give them warning).|||Try, "I am unable to answer questions regarding this memo. Please direct your questions to ____________. "(Or "the appropriate person/department".)|||If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact (fill in the blank) at ext. (fill in the blank).

This way the recipient knows that they shouldn't contact you.|||any courtesies or considerations in this matter will be greatly appreciated thank you|||"Go take a long walk off a short pier."

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