Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can my employer retract a job offer after he has sent a memo to everyone in the company telling them?

I was offered a higher position within the company and the director sent a memo to everyone in the company telling them my new role and my start date and offering congratulations. He has now told me (after everyone knows it's mine) that he is giving it to another colleague. Is this legal?|||Can my employer retract a job offer after he has sent a memo to everyone in the company telling them?


why would you even think it wouldn't be?|||Although I understand that it was highly rude on his part, and you would have had your hopes up etc... Yes, he can do that... As long as you never signed anything either etc and it wasn't official or in person, so he has all rights to change his mind...rude as it may be.... :(|||Yes, your employer can retract a promotion, even if they have announced it. It's embarassing but they are legally able to do this in the US.

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