Monday, December 12, 2011

Memo to President Obama on your suggestions as how to deal with the economic crisis?

Hello everyone,

I want everyone of you to open his heart and write a Memo to President Obama on your suggestions as how to deal with the economic crisis.

I'm really serious about it and you have to be serious too. Write even 3 pages about it and don't worry :-)

Thank you for giving me the chance to read what's in your heart.|||I'm going to open my head instead.

Dear Mr. Obama,

Please push for the elimination of the Federal Reserve System and a return to constitutional "hard" money, since central banking creates the extreme business cycles as we know it in modern times by price fixing interest rates well below market levels and causing constant inflation through increases in money supply and credit. Also please dramatically cut the federal budget and begin to eliminate the national debt, which only serves to exacerbate the situation by tying the solvency of our financial system to the willingness of net creditor countries to take on our debt instruments.

In short, the 20th century proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Keynesian macroeconomic analysis is wrong, and our only hope is in re-instituting a rational, free model that can provide for stable, organic growth, instead of the central economic planning that dominated the last century.

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