Thursday, December 15, 2011

I want to make paper tablets/memo pads as gifts for friends and family. What type of glue should I purchase?

I want to know about glue I can use myself without any machines.|||Its called padding glue.

You can buy it from an art supply store or a fine paper merchant. Fine paper merchants are where print shops buy their paper...note: not Office Depot or Staples...a real paper store. You can buy it in white and red in quarts or gallons. The way print shops make pads is they print the sheets, stack them nicely, press them down on the glue edge using weights, use a cheap paint brush to paint the glue one, let it dry with the weights on, take the weights off, the use a knife to seperate the pads into desired thicknesses.


Hint; you can use food coloring to tint the white padding glue to make unique effects or colors.|||i always found sticky glue is best, and b4 you moaners ThereIS a glue called STICKY GLUE jim xx|||I'm glad I'm not your friend. That is a really crappy gift.|||Use double sided tape.|||LATEX GLUE MIGHT BE BEST

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